Three Ways to Use Facebook for Your Company

You’ve probably noticed a lot of people talking about Facebook. No matter where you go, it seems like somebody has something to say about Facebook! But let’s just say you have set up your fan page and now the crickets are chirping. Now what? There are some things you can do that your fans would appreciate! And if they like what they see, your fans will share it, too. Then the friends of your fans will see it, and so on! This is when your Facebook page can really pay off. Give these tips a try and your social networking could really take off.

Give special offers.

People always love a good deal, and they especially love it when it’s exclusive! Reward your Facebook fans by giving them a special deal nobody else can get. And don’t give out the samples from the back room, make it something they really WANT. It doesn’t have to cost a lot, but make it worth talking about.

Spread industry news.

If you are an industry leader, you surely receive word about things happening in your industry. Your customers would surely like to be in the loop on what is going on also. Give them a tidbit of information they crave by posting your inside knowledge on Facebook! Your customers will love it, and you will position yourself as an industry leader.

Share customer comments.

Has a customer given you a nice compliment lately? Take those comments and spread the word by posting them on Facebook! Posting the comments and thanking your customer for them on your Facebook page gives others a chance to chime in as well. Of course, it’s always a good idea to check with your customer to be sure they approve of having their comments posted on your Facebook page.

These are just a few of the ways you can take action and get your customers talking about your company and your products!

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