Minimum Wage Adjustments

Do you have employees who are paid by piecework? This type of employee payment is typically used in agriculture, manufacturing, and other industries.

Obviously there are both Federal and State minimum wage requirements you must meet as an employer. No matter what method you use to pay your employees, you need to make sure they are earning at least minimum wage. This can be difficult when you are calculating pay via piecework, unless you have the right software.

If you pay employees via piecework, be sure your payroll system has a feature to manage minimum wage adjustments, or in other words, a system that can tell you whether your employees have earned minimum wage. More importantly, if the employee’s piecework has not added up to minimum wage, the system can calculate the difference and add that amount to their pay, so that you are meeting the Federal and State minimum wage requirements.

CenterPoint Payroll Software for business and for agriculture has a minimum wage adjustment feature that can make this task much easier! Save the time and guesswork associated with minimum wage adjustments, and ask us about CenterPoint Payroll today!

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